We Represent

Trust, Fexibility & Professionalism

OUR MISSIONLooking Beyond The Possible


Our main principles are trust, flexibility, professionalism and the dynamic approach for achieving guaranteed success for any business model.

On building valuable interaction with the client, we create custom care to further create and nurture long term relationships. We provide foreign and local clients with a large selection of professional services, from simple inspection of accounting reports to the registration of a company in Cyprus.

Our main principles are trust, flexibility, professionalism and the dynamic approach for achieving guaranteed success for any business model. On building valuable interaction with the client, we create custom care to further create and nurture long term relationships. We provide foreign and local clients with a large selection of professional services, from simple inspection of accounting reports to the registration of a company in Cyprus.


Although Keyforce Limited is a newly established corporation, it comprises of the realisation of an idea which has its roots back in time which, through the years, has been enriched and matured as a result of the experience, education and professionalism of the people who initially envisioned its establishment.

Keyforce has been established in order to provide integrated corporate services to
international businesses and individuals. The initial target is to gather professionals from various specialisations, interrelated to each other, in order to achieve the highest quality of services for the client’s satisfaction. As a result Keyforce drew together a team of experienced legal professionals, accountants, auditors, economists, international and local tax planning specialists, business and financial consultants, bankers and even entrepreneurs.

Having achieved to join ‘key forces’ and a considerably wide network of associates worldwide, Keyforce is now in position to provide its clients with a variety of consulting and corporate services including:

  • company formation
  • company administration
  • nominee and fiduciary services
  • tax & estate planning
  • accounting services
  • fund licensing
  • fund administration
  • and many other related services
Business colleagues celebrating success and joining hands. Multiethnic group of man and women giving high five to each other. Achievement concept

ABOUT USGrowing Team of Professionals

Our team members are here to meet your requirements according to your needs. “Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs that define our careers”.

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0123456789001234567890                     +Years in operation

Themis Anastasi


Loizos Lysandrou


Elena Economidou


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